Posts tagged ‘griefers’

September 12, 2013

Cunnigham Farm – Winner of the ABC horse summer Crown Cup!

Im thrilled to tell you that my dear friend Michael Cunnighams stable,  (Pic: from left, jockey Aquadoc,  co owner Starra and Michael with the Thoroughbred CF Flash Gordon) won the ABC Horses summer Crown Cup 2013!

The purse was 250.000 Linden dollar

From ABC horses blog:

“Cunnigham Farm has an outstanding reputation in the community for their race horses. When asked on how they feel on their win, Starra commented “We are very proud that all our hard work has been rewarded by winning the cup with the excellent jockey skills of aqua and our other jockeys who have helped us to achieve such great results” 

read on:

April 17, 2013

Stalking – a criminal offense


Stalking is a continuous process, consisting of a series of actions, each of which may be entirely legal in itself. Technology ethics professor Lambèr Royakkers writes that:

“Stalking is a form of mental assault, in which the perpetrator repeatedly, unwantedly, and disruptively breaks into the life-world of the victim, with whom he has no relationship (or no longer has), with motives that are directly or indirectly traceable to the affective sphere. Moreover, the separated acts that make up the intrusion cannot by themselves cause the mental abuse, but do taken together (cumulative effect).”

And the stalkers PROFILE:

“Mental profiling of digital criminals has identified factors that motivate stalkers as: envy; pathological obsession (professional or sexual); unemployment or failure with own job or life; intention to intimidate and cause others to feel inferior; the stalker is delusional and believes he/she “knows” the target; the stalker wants to instill fear in a person to justify his/her status; belief they can get away with it (anonymity); intimidation for financial advantage or business competition; revenge over perceived or imagined rejection”

“Cyberstalking is a criminal offense that comes into play under state anti-stalking laws, slander laws, and harassment laws. A cyberstalking conviction can result in a restraining order, probation, or even criminal penalties against the assailant, including jail.”

Dont hesitate to report cyber stalking to the police as it is a crime. It is proven that  cyber stalking is often followed by worse crimes irl….

Source; wikipedia

March 3, 2013

Massive griefer attack on Second Life?



Last days I have encountered excessive griefing in Second Life. Even in Lindens Premium sandboxes (!) They have been griefed for days now (above).

And at home twice in 2 days and both my parcels though they are not located on the same sim. Is it only me or has griefing escalated recently? I have filled 3 abuse reports in 2 days now (and i didnt report the sandbox…).

So im permanently on particle count Zero these days *sigh*


March 1, 2013

It all starts with a smile


TGIF! Thank god it´s Friday!! Though I had to bring some RL work home but that will be tomorrows sorrow :D:D I need some relaxation cos I had griefers on 2 of my parcels and in my favourite sandbox. I had to make 3 abuse reports in 30 minutes but it only took LL 20 minutes to remove the griefing stuff from my parcel <3

“It all starts with a smile” is a region with lovely animations. I was roaming around Second Life testing the new Beta Viewer when i stumbled upon it. So far the Beta viewer is performing nicely I just had a couple of crashes.  I think I like it!



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September 4, 2012

The random Casanova

Time to vent! I may be a bitch but I have less and less patience with these random casanovas turning up asking for “intimacy” of some kind, or just turning up on your land standing silent for 30 minutes. Or random TP from a total stranger. I got 1 today. Why does he think im interested in his “stuff” when im standing fully dressed at my (not adult) parcel staring at a preg mare?  Pooh!

Well I didnt kill him this time (just beat him up a bit as u can see ;) Instead I made an effort to solve his problem permanently (well to kill someone is kind of permanent…) and searched for “Adult HUB” – went there and saved a LM. Next time I will throw that in next jerks face ( i mean help him find his friends) :D

Here is a SLurl so u can do the same:

Give him/her that and tell them they will find like minded friends to play with at that place, so please go and leave mummy alone now :]